中文翻译与英英解释 | 咖啡室[店]。
| | | coffee: n. 咖啡(树、豆、粉或色)。 a cup of cof ... | | room: n. 1.室,房间。 2.场所,席位,位置,地位,空间。 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | If you need me , l ` ll be in the coffee room 如果你需要我,到咖啡间找我
| | 2. | If you need me , l ll be in the coffee room 如果你需要我,到咖啡间找我
| | 3. | Free breakfast and afternoon tea at coffee room on the 8th floor 八楼咖啡室提供免费早餐、下午茶。
| | 4. | Open - air swimming pools , coffee rooms , nightclubs , sauna rooms 室外游泳池咖啡厅夜总会桑拿等康乐设施
| | 5. | In the coffee room , elegance mixed with romance , music playing upon my heart , time had stopped for a while 咖啡吧里,优雅交织着浪漫,心灵流淌着音乐,时光暂停了脚步。
| | 6. | It contains elegant tea room , coffee room , chess and poker room and conference room as well as the diaphanous classical small courtyard in the share space which located in the first floor 二三楼环廊相连,瓷画点缀。一楼共享空间里设有雅致茶室咖啡吧棋牌室会议室,以及一个布局精致的古典小庭院。
| | 7. | The hotel also has warm arranged , elegant designed big and small coffee rooms , that offer exquisite pastry , special drink , an ideal place for business talking , private chatting , and tasting delicious food 酒店还有布置温馨设计雅致的大小咖啡包间,为客人提供精美点心特色饮品,是客人洽谈商务私人聊天品尝美食的最佳场所。
| | 8. | It has also a 5 km long cross - country skiing track for beginners , and cable cars which can transport 1 , 800 people per hour . besides , there are rainbow sledge , coffee room , recreation room , restaurant , department store and other facilities 此外,还建有1条长2 , 100米的初级旅游滑雪道,每小时可输送1 , 800人的钢轨式缆车还有供旅游者戏雪的七彩雪橇道,以及咖啡厅休息室餐馆商店等配套服务设施。
| | 9. | Area : 500squaremeter individual villa , total fourth flour with elevator , six bedrooms , one reading room , one open kitchen , one dinning room , one coffee room , one video room , one gym & dancing room , one indoor parking , one outdoor parking , three balcony 面积: 500平方米的独立别墅, 4层楼,有电梯, 6间睡房,一间书房,一个开放式厨房,一个餐厅,一个咖啡厅,一个影视厅,一个健身舞蹈厅,一个室内车库、一个室外车位,三个阳台。
| | 10. | A well - equipped business center , conference and banquet rooms are also available onsite for different events . during leisure , guests can relax at the refreshing sauna . the hotel also boasts restaurants serving traditional shanghai , canton and jiangxi cuisine and coffee room 盼盼酒楼拥有商务餐饮包房16间套,酒楼大厅可同时容纳200余人用餐,聘请名厨主理的赣粤湘菜系,独具风情的环境,呈现一道亮丽的美食休闲娱乐风景线。